2020 PowerSheets: Goal Planning to Action Steps | How to break down those BIG Goals!!!

Goals for a new year and even a new decade can be DAUNTING! All the fears and questions about what fits the life you want to live, changes you want to see and are they the right ones to pick are super stressful!

I once felt like that too.

Goals were like this big massive object out in the future which I couldn't see or visualize. Then I started breaking that goal down into smaller units and then could I see the progress or adjustments I could make to be more successful.  It was so powerful to see myself chipping away at that BIG ice block!

Using PowerSheets has only helped clarify those Goals and the larger action steps to enhance my "goal getter" mentality.  

Now I do have one problem with the PowerSheets.  There isn't enough room and no way to organize my thoughts into actionable items. The Actions Ideas short column located in each month is supposed to be the place where for each goal you map out that month's actions list.  And I totally understand why she has designed it that way. Just enough space to write some ideas and not be overwhelmed with ALL THE TASKS! But for me, looking ahead more than a month is really what makes goal mapping successful for me.  Looking down the months into the future with the obtained result is truly what works for me!!!

So how do I remedy that using the PowerSheets as my guide?!

I've incorporated an Everyday Lined Notebook from the 2020 collection to help me prioritize and look farther down toward progress of my goal by mapping out most of the action steps needed to be successful!

I've divided my year into three sections using the 3 Lined Notebooks and color coded my sections corresponding to my goals. Each goal has three mini goals (just like the Goals section in the PS) but I'v taken the opportunity to put not just a Time table together for each goal or mini goal but write down all the steps I can think of to help me get that goal! And if I got stuck for however and how long I would think it would take, I would at least write down the first big chunk of actions I needed to take that first step forward.

And there you have it! 

I have done a whole series of prep work videos and will continue have a review of my tending list for each month and set up of the next months videos as well. 

 And as a bonus...I'm taking you along for the ride.  I'll be vlogging monthly showing you how I am making my goals and progressing through this fantastic place in life!

See you next time!

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My 2020 Planner Lineup

